Welcome to my web site. I write Urban Fantasy, sometimes with a little soft Science Fiction thrown in, for Adults (Marielle MIller), and Middle Grade/High School readers (M. L. Miller). I have been published nationally and internationally in non-fiction. My fiction works include The Worlds Below and The Snow Dragon, first publlished on BigWorldNetwork.com. My grandmother said writing was in my blood, as it seems my great grandfather was a poet.
I have been writing in some form, since I was about 12 years old, writing primarily poetry until my early 20’s, when family commitments slowed me down.
You can keep up with me by subscribing to my blog at http://marielle-miller.blogspot.com, and/or follow me on Twitter. My Twitter identity is WriteMMiller. I will attempt to post on a fairly regular basis. Just try to remember, that what you consider “fairly regular,” and how I interpret that, may be quite different! :)